If you couldn’t attend the July 30th meeting, we missed you. Forty-five members and guests, including Paul Licker, for his second visit; Cheryl Boodram, CFO of Chief Financial Credit Union; Ayana Knox-Potts’s son Amari Potts, former Rochester Rotarian Dave Shellenbarger; and fundraising consultant Rick Kress, a resident of Shelby Township were present.
There are no birthdays in the coming week, but we celebrated two significant upcoming Rotary anniversaries. Pete Duhamel will have been a Rotarian for 59 years on August 1st, and Ted Roumel will celebrate 56 years in Rotary on August 5th.
Linda Eastman was today’s 15th handshake and is fine-free today.
Bree Clawson was last week’s Rotarian of the Week but wanted to keep the coveted award for another week. Another $5, please 🎶
Ernie Schaefer thanked the 40 members and guests who attended our summer social for the Rotary International Foundation. Over $4,000 was raised, which will help the foundation in its work worldwide. Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. Major projects have included the eradication of polio, clean water,
A special thank you to our 17 sponsors Annette Werner, Barb & Roger Roller, Shirley Gofrank, Jay and Linda Eastman, Clara & Jerry Carvey, Greg Schaefer, Sharon & Ernie Schaefer, Alan McLellan, Tim Duncan, Christine Hage, Stuart Siegner, Trevis Harrold, Carol & Phil Lowman, Marcie & George Krozier, Connie & Tom Townsend, Mary & Steve Oehler, and Mo Sayed. Thank you to Frank Rewold for allowing us to hold the event at his office. It was a spectacular and fun event that helped the RI Foundation.
A get-well card was circulated for Ron Diliddo’s wife, Marjorie, recovering from successful surgery.
Ayana Knox-Potts is looking forward to her daughter Anaya's return from Taiwan this weekend. Anay will share her experiences with us later in August, but one unexpected "thrill" was to be there during Typhoon Gaemi.
We were happy to hear that Rochester High School’s Interact Club received a coved Presidential Citation from Rotary International. The kids had to complete eleven stringent tasks to receive the award. The award certificate will be presented to them once the school year commences.
Ron Lichtle was happy to present Casa Colibri with a check for $5,000 for its Readers to Leaders program. A District Grant of $2,500 will probably match Rochester Rotary's gift. This literacy program aims to keep Mayan children in school, especially those transitioning from primary to middle school. Most children drop out after primary school, so this is an important project.
Seventy years ago, on September 15th, Dr. Edgar Geist signed our Club Charter with Rotary International, and the Rochester Rotary Club came into existence. The Club Board will invite the community to a free ice cream social on Sunday, September 15, 2024, in Rotary Gateway Park from 3 - 5 p.m. If you are interested in helping plan this event with our Social Committee, please see Rachel Aviles or Yolanda Udell.
Ted Roumel duked it out with Bree Clawson to be song leader this week. Who knew it was such a popular job? Ted’s selections this week were the ever-popular (?) Tootsie Wootsie and Row, Row Your Boat.
Sheriff Peter Stuhlreyer collected $166 in fines this week. Anyone complicit with Ted’s Row, Row, Row Your Boat received a fine. Unbeknownst to most members, today was National Cheesecake Day. So, anyone who reads the Cheesecake Factory’s 80-page menu, remembers that Jimmy Hoffa had his last piece of cheesecake on July 30th, works with cement, cooks the books, or was a wise guy during Peter’s rant was fined $5. Today was Henry Ford’s birthday, so anyone driving a Ford was fined. In honor of the Olympians, who came in third place and received a bronze medal, Peter fined Ernie for coming in third in a chess game, Juliane for coming in third in a solitaire game, and Kyle for coming in third in an arm wrestling match. Last but not least, Peter reminded everyone that the club golf outing is coming up in a few weeks. We are still looking for golfers or sponsors. You can register online at
Rev. Faith Fowler spoke today on Cass Community Social Services. As the Executive Director, she helps focus their activities in four areas: food, housing, healthcare, and jobs. They serve locally sourced, scratch-cooked meals three times daily to individuals and families from their residential and shelter programs. They provide housing for 300 individuals who are unhoused, from newborns to people in their 80s. Their free healthcare services are offered in collaboration with WSU’s medical students and faculty. Job training, especially for individuals who are developmentally disabled, includes jobs making things from recycled materials and soon an environmentally sustainable car wash that uses 1 cup of water per car!
Cass Community Social Services has built 25 different Tiny Homes (250-400sf) in Detroit on vacant lots adjacent to its campus. Each home is on its lot and foundation. Most have a front porch or rear deck to increase the living space. Many of the residents were formerly homeless, incarcerated, aged out of the foster care system or equivalent, and/or are senior citizens. All residents qualified for the program by being low-income but must earn at least $8,000 a year. Homeowners attend homeownership coaching sessions, volunteer four hours a month, and pay a monthly rent of $1 per square foot for seven years. At the end of the seven years, they are handed the deed. Each home has appliances, solar power systems, security systems, and furniture.
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