At Rotary, we have no tolerance for racism. Promoting respect, celebrating diversity, demanding ethical leadership, and working tirelessly to advance peace are central tenets of our work.

We have more work to do to create more just, open and welcoming communities for all people.

We know there are no easy fixes and that challenging conversations and work lie before all of us. Rotary’s strength has long been our ability and commitment to bringing people together. We will tap into that strength now as we stand with those who are working for peace and justice. 

Rotary will do our part to listen, learn and take action to ensure that we continue to contribute to making positive change.

Rochester Rotary Charities is a nonprofit organization established to expand the humanitarian efforts in the Rochester community. Through Rochester Rotary Charities, dozens of nonprofit organizations receive grants each year empowering their efforts. All monies raised through annual Rochester Rotary fundraisers benefit Rochester Rotary Charities and are donated back to the community. For more information, visit